Ice Cream Parlor Will Also Return
In addition, a familiar favorite spot, the ice cream parlor, will be open seasonally.
“I came from a small town in India,” Vangaveti said. “Growing up we did not have a grocery store for miles. Many of us did not even have cars to commute and it was extremely difficult to get everyday supplies. Sometimes I had to bike for miles to get a gallon of milk or a packet of bread. “I have decided and have been looking for the right opportunity to join a small community and help with everyday needs,” he said. “I am incredibly happy to find the right opportunity in St. Paris. I am very eager and excited to be part of this small friendly community.” Initially the store will provide customers with a fully featured grocery store that will include fresh food like milk, eggs, bread, coffee, hot chocolate, fresh produce, fruits, frozen food, meat, beer and wine. It will also have candy, soda pop, paper towels, bathroom tissues, diapers, pet food, automotive products, tobacco, cigarettes, lottery and other items. “A unique, upscale, and innovative environment will be provided to the customers with a friendly atmosphere,” Vangaveti said. “Our store will differ from the traditional grocery store because of our added personal touch. We are planning to add a gas/fueling station in near future. There will be a common sitting area where the customers can get deli meat, pizza and fried food. We will be planning to reopen the ice cream parlor in the summer.” Vangaveti said he believes that the responsibility for customer satisfaction is not focused solely on the sale of a product, but rather is the total relationship a customer experiences when interacting with the organization. “We believe in honesty and truth in all transactions and in providing products of the highest quality and at fair prices. We should do everything possible to provide outstanding service in marketing the products we sell.” Vangaveti said concern for people gives the store the drive to be a good corporate citizen. “We believe we have a responsibility to be a good neighbor in maintaining our property in first-class condition and by making the appearance of our store, facilities, equipment, and grounds as attractive as possible, making them an asset to the communities that support our store.” The campaign includes an intense training session for all employees, and a firm understanding and commitment to deliver these pledge points, he said. Hours of operation for the store will be 7 days a week from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Checks and all major credit cards will be accepted. “Food stamp policy along with other policies will be in place once we open the store,” Vangaveti said. Comments are closed.
November 2024